07-05 - Stanley Greene - "The Human Condition In Crisis" |
May, 01 2007
ORGANISMuseum features Stanley Greene "The Human Condition In Crisis" The courage to look
Since 1st May 2007 ORGANISMuseum, the first Online Realtime 3D Virtual Art Gallery running inside Internet Browsers, either PC or MAC, is proud to host Stanley Greene’s photographs. All past exhibitions will remain accessible through the archive present on the website.
Reportage sometimes requires courage. The courage to leave but also the one to come back. The courage to document but also the one to respect. The courage to stop into an image the most still moment, death. Stanley’s photographs narrate an inconvenient world which is often kept hidden. And his courage.. An exhibition made of forty images incredibly true. From the hurricane Katrina to Iraq, from Haiti to Chechnya, Stanley freezes for us what his heart sees and often what he sees is violent and disarming. For this we suggest this expo to an adult public.